Somebody had to do it - Animal Crossing, Tom Nook/ Blathers

 Just some old men in love


 Dear Blathers, it's been a while hm? I've been hard at work setting up the deserted island retreat, and I think there are some things here that might interest you. Your friend, Tom Nook"

The crate arrived the next day, filled with samples to entice him to the island. Honestly, he didn't need much encouragement, the current museum he was running was nice enough, but he always got a little bored when they were complete. Telling disinterested schoolchildren the same facts about the same items lacked the thrill of identifying new fossils or setting up tanks for new fish. The bugs he could live without, but the museum owners always insisted on having them.

Perhaps it was time for a new start, a new museum to fill with the local wonders.


Blathers felt uncomfortable on the plane, he wasn't much of a sea bird and most of the space in the seating area had been filled with the equipment he'd be using until the building was ready, leaving him crammed into his plastic seat.

He perked up when Wilbur announced they were preparing to land, staring out of the window to the window to see the island he'd be calling home.

It was beautiful. A river flowed from a hill in the north to the sea in the south, dropping down several waterfalls that seemed perfect for salmon. The forests were lush, and it seemed like someone had already taken the opportunity to start planting flowers all around the island.

A few tents were clustered in a corner, and he could see an area that had been cleared out next to it, a familiar face standing near the unlit bonfire and waving towards the plane.

The aircraft landed before he managed to wave back, and he stepped out onto the pier with only a slight wobble to his gait.

"Blathers! Glad you could make it." Tom looked softer somehow, maybe it was the Hawaiian shirt or just how pleased he seemed to see his friend. It warmed Blathers heart to see him like this, when they'd last seen each other Tom had seemed so tired, sick of working in real estate and worn down by the town they shared.

"Hoo! The island life seems to be suiting you."

"It certainly is! Being away from the bustle of the city has been quite a weight off my shoulders yes. Let me show you the area we have set up for your tent."

They wandered down the coast, Blathers already beginning to make educated guesses on what wildlife might be found in the area. A rustle in the distance made him tense, scanning the horizon. He relaxed when it didn't seem to be anything dangerous, though kept close to Tom as they walked.

"I must say, while I do appreciate the parcel you sent I really wish you'd put more of a warning on it."

"I had the recommended postage stickers added."

"Yes but opening post from a dear friend to find a tarantula, even sealed in a box, is never a nice surprise. Honestly, it's probably best I was planning to move out of that apartment given that my neighbours probably heard me scream some rather unpleasant words at five in the morning."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Hopefully, I won't have to coax you along to any more ventures hm? Here we are."

It wasn't much, just a small tent to get him started but it made his heart race, the excitement of new discovery filling him as he flapped in delight.

"The islanders here seem very excited about getting the museum going so you'll probably be drowning in donations tomorrow. The boys are watching the residents tent so I'm free to help you set up."

It wasn't too much work, just getting his workplace ready to analyse and record various specimens. Tom talked about the island, the villagers who'd moved in already and how Timmy and Tommy were handling the changes. Blathers talked about what he hoped to find here, and the really very excellent book he'd picked up about the Cambrian explosion. The only real trouble was the shelving, which certainly required the extra help putting together, wobbling dangerously as they tried to hold it in place while reaching over each other to attach the screws.

When they were done they left the tent to sit at the edge of the sand, watching the sunrise stain the waves with a golden glow.

Shadows darting under the surface caught Blather's attention, but he was too exhausted to consider wading out to investigate. It was pleasant here, being able to take some time just to sit within each others company.

"I can see why you gave up the city for this."

"I'll admit, there are a few conveniences I miss." Tom yawned. "Getting coffee from the roost is a big one."

"I can't say you'll have much luck convincing Brewster to come out all this way, he's an urban bird through and through. I could probably requisition a coffee machine if you wouldn't mind popping over for a cup." He dug his feet into the sand, glancing at his companion before turning back to the sparkling waves. "I just wanted to say, thank you for inviting me here. It's an amazing opportunity, and it will be wonderful to be working close to you again."

Nook turned away, grasping for his phone. "No worries, I should be thanking you for helping grow our little island." He rose to his feet, brushing the sand from his legs. "I'll be heading back to resident services, it's about time for the morning announcement. Maybe try and get some sleep before opening up today."

Blathers certainly wanted to, but lying in his sleeping bag hearing Tom announcing to the island that he was "a brilliant fellow" was enough to make him blush beneath his feathers, burying his face in his wings.


It became routine soon enough. They met in the early morning, the island quiet enough that nobody would miss Nook being away from his post and nobody would be coming to the museum to drop off whatever they'd caught that day. They'd start up the coffee machine and have a quiet time in each others company, just two old friends.

It was pleasant sitting in the museum together, watching the fish dart about as Blathers, well, blathered on about them, the joy clear in his voice as his pinions tapped a rapid pattern against the mug. The way the light refracted through the tank cast ever-moving shadows over them and Tom could almost pretend he was watching the way they played over Blathers face instead of the way his eyes shone as he looked towards the tanks.

"Though I've never been able to eat them after hearing about Amnesiac shellfish poisoning, I know it's a low risk but just the idea of it!" He shook his head. "Ghastly. Though if you look at the larger one there-" He gestured, squawking as some of his drink sloshed out of his mug. "Oh goodness, I-"

"Don't worry about it." Tom pulled out his handkerchief, wiping up the mess. He took Blather's arm to gently wipe the excess still dripping from the mug, making sure to get it off his feathers.

Blathers fidgeted in his seat, looking embarrassed. "Sorry, I seem to have lost my train of thought. Well, I can't keep you here all morning."

"I do have to get back to resident services, yes yes." He handed Blathers his empty mug with a small smile. "You can tell me about the others tomorrow."


Tom Nook had never had an easy time when it came to love. He'd certainly broken a heart or two in his day, and he'd had his heart broken in turn.

There was a point in his youth when he thought he was better off without sentiment entirely. He'd practically fled from Sable when he'd realised he didn't love her romantically, despite the long friendship between them.

It sometimes felt like the hurt had ever really healed over, even though they were friendly enough now.

He'd had a rough time starting out in the city, and when he'd met Redd he'd been easily pulled along by his charming words and handsome face.

Even as their work together became increasingly shady Redd had been so alluring, even when he'd asked to borrow a large amount of money to pay off his debts. Of course Tom had agreed. He'd never expected to wake up the next day with Redd gone and some thugs beating down their door to look for him.

Not long after that he left the city altogether. Just gathered his meagre belongings and got on a train headed for the countryside. It wasn't easy, but he managed to get a small business in a smaller town, trying to ignore the cold feeling in his stomach whenever Redd passed through looking for an easy mark.

The next time he'd admit feeling affection for anything other than his job was when the twins arrived. He'd been sending some of his profits to a local orphanage for a few years -though if anyone had ever asked he would claim it was for tax reasons- and when the twins had found out they'd followed him home and insisted on learning the art of business from him.

It wasn't easy to adjust at first, having to look after other people for the first time in his life. He taught them about running a shop, about stock and sales prices, how to make enough money for a comfortable life. But he tried to teach them other things too, like paying your debts, but not being aggressive when you needed to collect from others. Helping people when they were starting to make their way in the world, without making them dependent on you.

In turn, they taught him how to trust again. Pestered him into getting them coffee and to talk to their neighbours more. Encouraging him to patch things up with Sable, and to spend some time out of the store.

They were even the ones who'd insisted on him taking them to the museum, and it was while they were idly talking about the prices of the various fish that he'd met Blathers for the first time.


"Resident services are closed for an upgrade tomorrow, so I don't have to be up in the morning. I was wondering if you'd like to come out for a late-night picnic together."

"Oh! That sounds wonderful, could you meet me here at midnight? I'm sure closing for an hour or so won't be a problem."

Blathers spent the rest of the day at an unreasonable level of excitement.

It wasn't really anything different from what they usually did, but the idea of going out for a picnic, just he and Tom under the stars, filled him with a giddy excitement he didn't quite know how to place.

He was fluttering with excitement by the time Nook finally arrived, he'd spent the past half hour carefully preening his feathers into something more presentable than usual, and had made sure to wear his nice jacket, the one he wore to professional events, to keep away the cold.

Tom called out a greeting as he entered, lifting up the large picnic basket he was carrying. "It's mostly just made from what we had at home, but I've got salad, some inarizushi, sandwiches and a flask of tea."

"Marvelous, do lead the way."

It was a little chilly at night, not enough to be uncomfortable, but just enough that they walked a little closer together, arms brushing against each other.

Nook looked at the sky with a dreamy expression. "The moon looks really incredible tonight, I'm glad to live somewhere with so little light pollution."

"Indeed, I've encouraged my dear sister to visit just to see how bright the stars are."

They chose to settle on an outcrop to the north, spreading the brightly checkered blanket down before sitting side by side, both facing the view of the night sky over the sea.

Ever eager to fill the silence, Blathers spoke about the stars, about space and how small they really were in the universe but wasn't there something freeing about that?

Tom listened intently, alternating his gaze between the view and the owl next to him. "It really is beautiful out here." He suddenly looked nervous, shifting on the blanket.

"Hey, keep still for a moment."

Tom reached out, paw brushing against Blathers' ear tuft. The chattering slowed to a stop, Tom was leaning in, looking oddly serious, he was- pulling away suddenly, brushing something off his paw. He turned to look at Blathers with a calm expression.

"Sorry, I wasn't sure how best to tell you. You had a bug on your head."

Blathers tensed. "You did get it right? It's gone?!"

"You're clear. "

Blathered nodded dazedly before curling into a ball, a visible tremor running through him.

"Oh dear, I thought I might be getting better with them, I'm very careful to take good care of them in the museum, but of course, I can prepare myself, and take precautions so they can't touch me." His pinions kept brushing at his head feathers as if confirming to himself that his tufts were clear. "Indeed, there was a time I would force myself to touch the images in my insect encyclopedia, but in the end, it seemed to do more harm than good. "

Nook moved closer, placing a comforting paw on his shoulder. "Do you want to head back inside?"

Blathers nodded miserably. "Yes, I think that would be for the best, goodness knows I won't be able to relax with the thought of one of those things being able to crawl on me."

They set about packing up the picnic, Blathers carefully checking everything was clear of insect life before picking it up. When everything was together he handed Nook the basket, avoiding his gaze.

"I'm awfully sorry for ruining the evening. "

"Hm? Don't worry about it, I only wish I'd been able to get rid of it without causing you distress. Also, if you want, we can simply continue indoors, it would be a shame to let the food go to waste."

They ended up heading back to the museum, planning to spend some time in the flat Blathers kept there. He cringed slightly before unlocking the door. "Please excuse the mess, I don't have visitors back here very often."

"Don't worry, I live with two teenagers. I'd be shocked if you managed to get close to the usual mess in our house."

The rooms were luxurious, the western style furniture old but well made. The main room was filled with bookcases, piled high with fossils and gemstones along with more books than you would usually find outside of a well-funded library.

It really was a reminder of what a brilliant man Blathers was, as dedicated to his research as Tom was to his work. He politely pretended not to notice Blathers giving his feathers a quick preen in the mirror before moving to a red chesterfield sofa. It wasn't the most comfortable, but the low coffee table beside it was perfect for holding the picnic food.

When the food was finished they continued to lounge on the sofa, neither wanting to end the night. It was as Blathers watched Tom laugh at a story he was telling about his university days that it hit him. He really did like Tom a lot, and it seemed that Tom liked him back just as much.

Blathers hummed to himself, sitting up a little straighter before turning to Nook, praying he wasn't blushing as much as he suspected he was. "Do you mind if I ask you something? It's a little odd, and I fully understand if you think it's weird-"

"Come now, there's no need to worry."

"I'm just wondering -and do feel free to say if you're not interested- I would fully understand, it's probably quite silly."

"You very rarely say uninteresting things."

The warmth that was always present during his time with Tom was threatening to overwhelm him, causing him to look down at his own interlocked fingers.

"Ah, I, Would you like to kiss me?" He cringed inwardly at his awkward phrasing. It turns out that all that time he'd spent reading romance novels on this very sofa hadn't translated to any amount of suave confidence.

There was a brief pause before Nook nodded, a wide smile on his face.

"Yes. I've wanted to for a long time."

Tom smelt faintly like sawdust beneath his cologne and Blathers took a deep calming breath before leaning forward, eyes on Tom to make sure he was doing the same. The first kiss was brief, then their fingers intertwined as they shared their second.

They spent the rest of the night holding hands, delight shining in the air.


"I think it's fair that you know. I haven't been in a relationship for a long time, and my last one was rather disastrous."

"That's fine! I'm afraid I really haven't had much experience myself, there were a few dates in university, but I'm been rather too busy since. Should we go on a more proper date? We don't really have any restaurants or cinemas here but I'm sure we could figure something out."

"If we get the time we could always get a plane over to the mainland, but I'm perfectly happy just spending my mornings with you."


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