
Showing posts from January, 2021

Almost Flat Broke - Overwatch: Junkrat/Roadhog

AU - Jamie sells fireworks from a van and Mako is his muscle.  CW: Fire, mentions of homelessness  

Somebody had to do it - Animal Crossing, Tom Nook/ Blathers

 Just some old men in love  

I Will Carry This No Further - The Magnus Archives

Trans!Martin getting  top surgery from Micheal Very loose in interpretation of canon   CW: Light Body Horror   

Die Historic On The Furby Road - Overwatch, Junkrat/Roadhog

Junkrat and Roadhog customize furbies, just some light-hearted fun

Patching each other up after a fight - Overwatch Junkrat/Roadhog

Hurt/comfort, fluff

This Homemade Pork Rub Will Have Everyone Squealing With Delight ... - Overwatch: Junkrat/Roadhog

Junkrat taking care of an injured Roadhog Hurt comfort, fluff

Oh no there's only one body heat I guess we're going to have to......... share it - Overwatch, Junkrat/Roadhog

Sharing a bed to keep warm, light and fluffy  

Kisses And Frank Discussion Of Mortality - Overwatch, Junkrat/Roadhog

Originally posted on AO3 around March 2018 "Roadhog kissing Junkrat’s bald spot and maybe Junkrat being self conscious about it, but in the end it becomes the epitome of affection between them" Commision for Sillyscrunchy, written before The Plan and Wasted Land came out.

Your Stare Was Holding - Overwatch, Junkrat/Roadhog

Originally posted on AO3 around July 2016 College au, slow burn, trans!Junkrat CW: Poor self image, mentions of transphobia   

Limb Loss - Overwatch, Junkrat/Roadhog

Originally posted on Ao3 around June 2016 CW for violence, gore, and amputation Chapter 1: I know they say petrol costs an arm and a leg but this is ridiculous   It began as a pleasant evening, driving at breakneck speeds down a broken highway. Junkrat was talking about ways to get out of the country, half-yelling to be heard over the roar of the engine. Roadhog only occasionally responding to suggest routes to connect Junkrat's increasingly outlandish ideas.  They came across the fuel station as the sun began to dip below the horizon. If they were lucky it would be abandoned, just another empty building along another lonely road. Any dregs of fuel they could scavenge to keep the bike going would get them closer to the coast. As their notoriety grew it was getting harder and harder to find people willing to sell to them.  They slowed to a stop, both of them reaching for their weapons. Junkrat paused in his rambling, clambering out of the sidecar and stretching as Roadhog ...